horsefeathers Quilt Smith

About our name and Logo

Horsefeathers is such a fun word it conjures up all kinds of imaginings and Fantasies. If horses had tails and manes of feathers could they fly? Probably only in my dreams.  The word horsefeathers is common to me. I grew up on a small ranch, and my father used that word in place of a cuss word or if he thought something was unbelievable, or nonsense.  It still makes me laugh today to think of it. My husband Scott Corey, sadly now deceased. Drew this original sketch (our logo) and I recreated it into an art appliqué quilt and now use it as my website logo. 

about patz

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quilting history

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patz's classes

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kitty classes

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Patz's Wallhanging and Quilts

Contact PATZ